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Writing women's history... one mother at a time... since 2004.

Write Your Mother’s Story Workshop

Home / Write Your Mother’s Story workshop

“I wish that my mother were alive today because I have so many questions that I would love to ask her – not the factual ones I learned in searching out the facts of her life; but more personal ones about her thoughts and beliefs, her feelings and coping mechanisms, her sense of self and the qualities that helped her to be resilient in the face of so many hardships and disappointments.”

Denise Linnay

“thanks for leading the workshop in Campbell River. It gave me the chance to get unstuck and get her story written. More importantly the process allowed me to forgive her for things I had forgotten about and then move into celebrating who she really was. Your workshop helped me uncover the personal attributes that I inherited from her that are valuable and positive. So much gratitude.”

Cory Bretz

“It was a scary thing for me to do but I am so proud to have actually written the story (sketchy though it is). I have submitted it as is. I think the important thing was just to get it written.”

Lisa in North Vancouver

“Well, I think My Mother’s Story gets people thinking and, maybe, stopping to think about other people and their role in the formation of who we are today. I think it’s very important. I think who we are is our genetic make-up, our early upbringing and our life experience. And our early upbringing comes very much from who our parents are, and our mothers in particular.”

Roseanne van Rennesse

“Participating in writing my mother’s story was a true gift in my life. It was an opportunity to repay a debt of gratitude during a very difficult time. It would obviously not have happened without Marilyn, combined with Jenn’s artistry.”

Angela Parsons

“Such an amazing project. Thank you all for being a part of this glorious creation. My Mother’s story was the first story I ever wrote….. to be heard in public….not to mention published. I am grateful to this project for the inspiration to create… well as all the other blessings of courage that have come from it. Marilyn you are a beacon. Bravo. Bravo”

Beverley Elliott

“This project gave voice but also provided deep, critical and renewed perspective to my evolving relationship with my Mum. It was hard. Thank you for championing our Mothers’ Stories. For seeing us and hearing us”

Meghna Haldar

“This project gave voice but also provided deep, critical and renewed perspective to my evolving relationship with my Mum. It was hard. Thank you for championing our Mothers’ Stories. For seeing us and hearing us”

Meghna Haldar

“Only yesterday, I re-read My Mother’s Story. My sister wanted to remember something Mum had said about her grandmother, and there it was …. and the tears flowed for me again, just as it always does when I re-read her story. Then I flip to the other Mums and re-read their stories, and I remember again dear Joy and dear Micki quietly saying, “We are all sisters, aren’t we? They are all very special people.” Oh, I feel so fortunate to be part of this ever spreading sisterhood”

Eileen Barrett

“I am so honored to be a part of this journey. The impact that you have made on my life is incredible. I encourage both men and women, to write their mothers story♥️”

Sandra M Bliss

“So so sad that I couldn’t be there to give you both a huge huge hug for all you did. Our working together is still reverberating in my relationship to my deceased mother.”

Esther Chase


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